Berlitz Languages, a global leader in language instruction and cultural training, has been collaborating with Simple Development for ongoing support and maintenance in Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Sales Cloud for five years. Throughout this time, Simple Development has provided a dedicated team consisting of a solution architect, a business analyst, email developer, copywriter, email designer, and a project manager. In this case study, we will examine the technical solutions and strategies implemented by Simple Development to support Berlitz Languages' multiregional operations, B2B and B2C initiatives, and global student engagement.

Servicing All Languages

Simple Development actively supports Berlitz Languages' various regions, including:

  • Berlitz North America (Berlitz NA)
  • Berlitz Latin America (Berlitz LATAM)
  • Berlitz EMEA
  • Berlitz Japan
  • Berlitz Global

We design and built customized journeys for all regions, placing emphasis on lead nurturing, qualification, and dormant outreach. By catering to the unique needs of each regional market, our team is able to optimize marketing efforts and maximize customer engagement.

Student Engagement and Notification Solution

Utilizing SFMC, Simple Development designs, builds, and maintains thousands of emails for Berlitz Languages' student engagement and notification platform. These emails require translation into multiple languages to accommodate Berlitz's global audience. Our team provides best practice advice on email deliverability, IP warm-up, email marketing language, and more to prevent messages from being flagged as spam and ensure they reach the intended inboxes. Additionally, we create "bulletproof" email templates, tested with Litmus, that render properly across various email clients, including Outlook, Gmail, and mobile devices.

Keeping on Top of Things

We maintained  transparency and clear communication with Berlitz Languages through the use of PowerPoint presentations and project tracking spreadsheets to display progress across all projects. This approach enables both parties to stay informed and up-to-date on project developments and milestones, fostering an environment of collaboration and trust.

Keeping Apple Happy

In the realm of B2B operations, Simple Development developed a custom certificate solution for Berlitz's client, Apple. These certificates are tailored to each individual, including their name, course taken, region, and also come with a unique PDF receipt that has regional tax and discounts applied at a per unit level. The solution was built using NodeJS and hosted on the Google Cloud Platform.

Another B2B project involves creating approval flows for language courses offered to employees of Berlitz's other corporate clients. The courses require approval from the employees' managers. Simple Development builds the approval flow in Marketing Cloud using CloudPages, Journey Builder, custom triggered emails, and AMPscript/SSJS. This solution has been implemented for over a dozen companies that Berlitz supports.


Simple Development serves as a reliable and innovative partner for Berlitz Languages, providing comprehensive support for their global operations. Our technical expertise in Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Sales Cloud, combined with our ability to create customized solutions and strategies for both B2B and B2C initiatives, contributes to the continued success of Berlitz Languages. This case study underscores the importance of a strong partnership between a client and service provider in achieving long-term success in today's competitive global market.